I have a bug with the Camera plugin (native plugin).
Here is my code:
When I click on my button. Camera will open and I can take a picture. Everything is ok till now. But, when the Camera app closes, the success Promise is not fired. So “this.picture” is never updated with the base64 string.
But when I click again on my button and call Camera.getPicture() again, the success Promise is called directly and then the picture is updated with base64 string from my first call of Camera.getPicture().
- Camera.getPicture() is called
- The Camera app launch
- I take a picture and I confirm
- The Camera app close and I come back on my app
- But (imageData) => { this.picture = ‘data:image/jpeg;base64,’ + imageData; } is not called
- I called Camera.getPicture() for the second time
- Before Camera app opening, the callback is fired and the picture is updated with base64 string of last picture I took
- After, the Camera app will launch normally.
My configuration:
ionic: 2.1.18
cordova: 6.4.0
cordova-plugin-camera: 2.3.0
ionic-angular: 2.0.0-rc.4
ionic-native: 2.2.13
Thank you in advance.