Calling Facebook.api

Hi, it’s me again, more basic troubles.

what is the correct sintax to use Facebook.api(), this is my code

Facebook.status is connected, but my getFacebookData doesn’t works

	  Facebook.api("/me", "{fields: 'last_name'}", ["public_profile"]).then(
			(result) => {
				alert('OK '+ result);
			}, (error) => {
				alert('Error ' + JSON.stringify(error));

and the result is “OK JSON error”

Please your Help.


Below is my code and it works for me

facebookConnectPlugin.api('/'+ userId + "/?fields=id,email,name,gender", [],
        function onSuccess (result) {
          alert("Result: " + result);
          alert("Email: " +;
        }, function onError (error) {
          alert("Failed: " + error);
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Hi thanks, it works for me, but on ionic 2 the Facebook.api Returns a Promise that resolves with the result of the request, or rejects with an error.

so mi code now is…

	  Facebook.api('/' + id + "/?fields=id,email,name,gender", ["public_profile"]).then(
			(result) => {
				alert('OK '+ JSON.stringify(result));
			}, (error) => {
				alert('Error ' + JSON.stringify(error));

Thanks a lot


Thanks for your information. Anyway, my code also work in Ionic 2 project.
I just wondering whether it works for me if I apply the same way to google+.