Button not showing

Hello im having a problem when I try to add a button to one of my ion-item

      <ion-item no-lines>
        <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="filterTime" (ngModelChange)="processChange()" class="noclick"></ion-checkbox>
        <ion-label class="my-label">
          devices timeout
        <button ion-button> Sort </button>

The button is not showing, will try to use a grid to see if it’s the problem, will update the post if I find the answer

resolved it by using

  <ion-item no-lines>
        <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="filterTime" (ngModelChange)="processChange()" class="noclick"></ion-checkbox>
        <ion-label item-start class="my-label">
          devices timeout
        <button ion-item item-end (click)="buttonClick()"> Sort </button>