I just migrated to Ionic Pro and configured all my app to work with it. All is working fine, but I don’t know how to generate an APK builded with --prod and --release flag.
On new dashboard I have only the option to choose release or debug method:
I was having trouble with zipalign. I don’t know why that command doesn’t work. But Android Studio can generate an APK signed and zipaligned. So, I just need to run:
ionic cordova build android --prod --release
And use Android Studio to complete the task.
I’ll keep this topic open while I’m waiting the support answer.
Ionic Pro makes a new build from your app based on your package.json build command.
To build apps using --prod flags, I had to include the flag on package.json.
On package.json you have some scripts to run using npm.
When you upload your app to Ionic Pro (git push ionic master for example), the new dashboard will run npm run build based on your package.json scripts, so, you just need to change the command on package.json: