Block app's installtion in rooted device

Is there way of blocking app’s installation in rooted device?

I have looked at cordova-plugin-root-detection, but haven’t implemented it yet.
I am planning to atleast block app from working in rooted device uising above mentioned plugin if installation can’t be blocked.

I am currently focused on Android, but I will appriciate options for iOS too. :slight_smile:

May be Google Play store is also supporting this (written here), but I am not sure about this.

I have not personally tried any of these methods, but the Google Play approach might seem like the better alternative.

Thank you @mhartington.

I couldn’t find any plugin to stop installation of generated *.apk file, but I managed to detect rooted device using cordova plugin iroot.

I have added detailed description of steps taken by me to check for rooted device.

can we block installation on the rooted device?

Hallo @johnpaulcm

if u will block the app after install, then just throw an exception on native level.

check this plugin cordova-plugin-antitampering implementation!

Hello @sujit77,
the link you added is not working.
Can u please provide me the steps and also can anyone tell me is this plugin works fine or not ?
Or else is there any other way around to achieve this.
Thanks in Advance

I think I would have mentioned steps mentioned in Likely solution in this comment will work in latest versions.