Best setup to have tabs and side-menu


so I’m currently porting a iOS project to Ionic which has a tab bar and a side menu. I’m not sure what is the best way to have this kind of setup with Ionic. The examples I found are very old and I think they don’t apply anymore.

Does anybody have an example that works with RC4 that has tabs and a side-menu?


Like this? Don’t know either is this the best way…

See the Pen Sidemenu + Tabs navigation with another set of tabs on second tab page on CodePen.

thanks, this looks interesting!

Do you know if with this it still is possible to have one navigation stack per tab? (Like in the default tab starter demo)

It’s based on the tab-starter so yes it should be. I only added sidemenu to tabs.html which is an abstract state so that every page has sidemenu and tabs.