Beacons in Ionic

Hello all, am working with beacons in ionic 2 and am unable to make a call for any delegate functions. Am passing my device UUID to get the beacon region but nothing is showing up. The following is my code.

let locationManager = window.cordova.plugins.locationManager;
    var region = locationManager.BeaconRegion("Ionic_beacon", uuid);
let delegate = new locationManager.Delegate();

delegate.didDetermineStateForRegion = function (pluginResult) {
    alert('in delaget');

    alert('[DOM] didDetermineStateForRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult));

    locationManager.appendToDeviceLog('[DOM] didDetermineStateForRegion: '
        + JSON.stringify(pluginResult));

Am trying to get the region, bluetooth is enabling but, it is not entering ‘delegate.didDetermineStateForRegion’ function. My UUID is something like ‘d367gdheyr…hj’ and platform is android. Any help please.

And what is this?

Where does this come from?

Although you might think otherwise, we people here don’t know ALL cordova plugins by heart…

A cordova plugin that lets the app to enable location permissions to access devices within range… The following is the reference link I used.

Then this exists which should make using it a bit easier:

Hi, not sure if this will help you - I did write it a while ago and I haven’t worked with beacons much recently.

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Hello! Im interested in beacons as well and nothing work for me :frowning: @richardshergold really good your tutorial, thanks you very much! I saw a weeks ago and tried to run it but It didn’t work for me… Maybe is for Ionic version?