When I run ionic-serve, basic styling isn’t applied such as
- Menu shows on wrong side and not styles
- ion-buttons “start” not showing on the left:
<ion-buttons start>
<button ion-button icon-only menuToggle>
<ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
I only include the code here to show I’m not doing anything weird.
When I run “ionic-serve”, the menu is on the right side, not “start”, and has no styling (it’s a different color when it is styled correctly).
If I’m viewing in Chrome, I can Ctrl+R, reload the page, and all styles are correct.
However, if I run “ionic cordova build android”, and then view the app, the styles are not there, and I can’t “refresh” my app, and wouldn’t want the users to have to.
How can I make sure my styles are there when I send a build of my application?
Here is an example:
- ionic 3.20.0
- cordova 8.0.0
- angular/core 5.2.10