Application terminated when Android platform switch to pause

an application using Ionic v3, when the state of the platform is switched to pause (the application is minimized or the camera is activated), the application is destroyed.
Android studio log (the camera is activated):

D / CordovaActivity: Paused the activity.
I / chromium: [INFO: CONSOLE (38630)] "platform.pause-> event {" isTrusted ": false}", source: file: ///android_asset/www/build/main.js (38630)
D / CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity.
W / ManagedEGLContext: doTerminate failed: EGL count is 3 but managed count is 1
W / ManagedEGLContext: doTerminate failed: EGL count is 3 but managed count is 1
W / IInputConnectionWrapper: showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
Application terminated.

Can you monitor memory usage while this happens?

I reduced the image quality to 10 (the default is 100), like working

I would gladly help with the search for the cause of this behavior, but at the moment there is no time …