I am currently automating an app created using ionic platform for both Android and iOS using Appium. We are able to identify all objects for Android app and have automated that end to end but for iOS we are unable to identify the objects on the app. We are able to capture for other apps and native iOS app objects too including the warning popups.
Kindly let me know if anyone else is also facing similar issue and whats the possible solution to this.
I am adding Screenshots for both the apps
For another app which is being identified.

For Ionic app which is not identified.

What do you get when you expand the element that is currently selected in the second screen shot?
Nothing, it stays the same way. Whatever is visible in second screenshot is the final output after trying all approaches.
My experience with Appium is very limited. What I can tell you from the screenshots is that it is only recognizing the native parts of the app - and stopping inside the web view where there is the actual Ionic application.
(If I remember correctly, you had to use a different way to access the “app” to get inside the webview… some googling “appium cordova” [which is what is creating the webview in Ionic apps] should help)
Please use Appium 1.8. I am having the same issue with the Ionic apps with the version 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 but works fine with the recent Appium server. Also please let me know if you got to make this work with the older Appium versions.