I’m developing my first application with Ionic (wonderful framework!) and I have a few questions about how to structure my pages and use the router…
The main pages of my application are a login page and a page with three tabs that the user can only view when connected. They are wrapped in nav-page directives and powered by a Nav Router controller. So here are my questions:
How to redirect the user to the login page if no authentication
token has been stored locally? In other words: how to redirect the
user from one route to another from a controller?
In this case, is it possible not to use the animation set on the Nav
Router (animation=“slide-left-right-ios7”)?
I’d like to hide the navigation bar on the login page, is it
It is written in the documentation that “the Nav Router can also be
updated from child view controllers such as tabs” but I can’t find
how? I’d like to define a route for each tab so that accessing one
of these routes automatically activates the corresponding tab.
For #1, what I recommend is a service that manages login states, something like this:
angular.module('myapp', [])
.factory('User', function($rootScope, $location) {
var isLoggedIn = false;
// Load auth token from somewhere, like localStorage
isLoggedIn = window.localStorage['token'] != nulll
$rootScope.$on('user.logout', function() {
isLoggedIn = false;
// redir to login page
return {
isLoggedIn: function() { return isLoggedIn; }
login: function(username, password) {
// Do login here
// If login worked, trigger event
logout: function() {
You can also listen for those events in your other controllers and such.
In terms of not using the animation in this case, right now the answer is no without manually removing the classname from the nav-router div, but we are overhauling the nav stuff so that should work in the future.
To hide the nav bar on just that page, use <nav-page hide-nav-bar="true"></nav-page>
In terms of activating that specific tab, that’s a little more tricky and we are working to make this more clear. For now, perhaps this topic will help: Switch tab in controller
@max how would you recommend to setup a filter which intercepts all page movements and checks if there’s a user logged in? It sounds simple but it’s proving a bit tricky. The problem seems to revolve around the $location.path call. I have this run config:
.run(function ($rootScope, $state, $location, AuthenticationService) {
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(event, curr, prev){
console.log('checking the validity of the route: ’ + curr.requireSession + ’ ’ + !AuthenticationService.is_logged_in());
if ( curr.requireSession && !AuthenticationService.is_logged_in() ){
This sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t work. I’ve noticed that when this in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘insertBefore’ of null
When it doesn’t work, I notice that even though the browser URL window shows the /login path, the page still stays on the protected page I was trying to reach while not authenticated. Further, the order of execution in the browser console shows that the login page is attempted first before the protected page is attempted.