@capacitor/push-notifications doesn’t use any non-public APIs, so the problem is still one from 1 to 3.
Sometimes Apple checks get false positives.
@capacitor/push-notifications doesn’t have any references to “ImageNotification” nor “transform”.
The reference is probably inside Apple’s UserNotifications framework, that the plugin imports.
I still think it’s a false positive on the validation, “transform” is a pretty generic word for being considered non-public API.
The code you added following that tutorial is minimal, so the warning probably comes from firebase iOS SDK, but I see no reports on firebase iOS SDK github repository.
Try updating to latest firebase SDK if you are not using it already.
The message looks like a warning, is it preventing you from publishing?
I didn’t try to publish the app, just uploaded for TestFlight.
With the latest Firebase SDK (9.5) push notifications stopped working suddenly so i think i’m gonna keep the current version right now.