Any update on this issue? ios has very slow navigation between tabs, modals and menu, etc while Android is very smooth.
Hi there, so far, with the latest release seems ok, but it really depends on which device is used. I’ve benn testing on iPhone 4s (slow), iPad mini (somehow slow but ok, usable), iPhone 6 (ok), and ipad pro (ok). Hope it helps
I had an issue with all click events in ionic 3.0.0. My issue was resolved in 3.0.1 (related to 300ms delay in clicks vs tap events)
I have the issue with click events too and 3.0.1 didn’t resolve it. Do you just use (click) or other event on the element to click?
Is anyone still seeing this issue. I upgraded to 3.2.0. On iOS (actual device), all interactions are really sluggish. Clicking on a button takes like 0.5s to acknowledge. On Android it is much smoother.
Like the OP, I migrated to Ionic 2 in the hopes of better performance. It was a lot faster in v1 for sure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(faceplant) it was the dreaded 300 ms delay. Fixed it by adding tappable.
how ??? what’s tappable
Click Delays
Why is there a delay on my click event?
See this link:
using ionic 2,
Why delay in showing loader in IOS but not in Android.
below code working fine in android.
clicks and navigation slow on ios more than android.
i applied loader in the Android by below code which works good in android but not working in IOS
this.loadingControl.present().then(() => {