I switched to capacitor-community/ sqlite from Cordova SQLite, I also followed the doc on how to use the plugin but after running ionic servenothing appears in the browsers (screenshot below) but when I revert changes the apps loads properly.
I need pointers please…super stuck here. I switched because the https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/sqlite gives errors on iOS. In iOS, I get a build error “Missing objc_arc feature” in SQLitePlugin.m
But the focus now is on getting the Capacitor SQLite to works. Thanks
SQLite doesn’t run on the web, so just FYI if you’re running ionic serve. As @rapropos mentioned, more details would be helpful. Any errors displayed in the console?
I think its just some plugin conflicts and i couldn’t resolve it so i just used the cordova sqlite plugin anyways…if you have the missing_obj error on ios build, look at this post to resolve it Missing objc_arc feature
I reinstalled the plugin and now it is working, but without your recommendations, I mean “Weak References…” and “Reateadly using a…” both of them =Yes, I used No instead. However I started to have problems with the plugin Local Notifications, but that is another problem.