Hi Guys, I am new to ionic, need your help on following problem:
I have two tabs and each tab have two templates.(say one is index page, the other is detail page). When I navigate from the index page to its detail page, the animation works fine.
But how could I have the same animation when I was navigate from tab2-detail to tab1-detail?
I have a pen here: http://codepen.io/vilight/pen/KCfoG
As you can see when you click the button(“go to chat detail from contact”) in Contacts-detail, the animation doesn’t work.
Plus, two more problem also comes following (when click the button):
- The ‘chat detail’ page doesn’t have the “Back” button.
- When you click again on the ‘contact’ tab, it shows the ‘contact detail’ page still, NOT the ‘contact index’ page.
Can anyone kindly help on above three problems? Many thanks. (I have tried every way I can found but still not resolve it, hope I could get some help here.)