Angular Material for Ionic?

Hello guys,

I discovered amazing web & mobile components of Angular Material.

Is it possible to use this on Ionic? have you guys tried it?
It looks like it can add a lot of missing components to Ionic.
Angular Material can be installed using NPM but am not sure about its compatibility with Ionic apps.


I just tested it and it doesn’t work well.
If you guys manage to make this work on Ionic, please let me know how…

It will be phenomenal to be able to use Angular Material on Ionic… it seems to have some really nice mobile components.

Well then I found this called Ionic Material.

That was an Ionic 1 project. Been retired for a couple years (since before I started with Ionic).

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Yes, I noticed it’s from 2015 and it hasn’t been updated since.
I want to request Ionic team to make Angular Material compatible with Ionic.
Angular Material has lots of useful mobile-friendly components! and it’s angular… which Ionic is based on.
Why not make them work together?