Angular-google-chart not loading on actual device


I have used google chart in my mobile app using angular-google-chart ( it is working on web browser

but unable to load on actual device.

any clue whats wrong.

Hey eddytools!

It appears to be working on my Android 4.3 in Chrome. Which device are you testing on? Did you manage to solve this?

Check out remote debugging on Android for Chrome which might be helpful in this situation.

yes peter as i said in post, its working on browser (both mobile,pc) but when i build .apk using phoneGap graph is not showing up on mobile app

I had the same problem and I couldn’t tell until I debugged with a remote inspector.
if you’re using templates, make sure your

templateUrl: "templates/aTemplate.html",

matches the file name. Apparently when you deploy on a device the casing is sensitive.

Probably mine was an unrelated error, but why don’t you try?

For me the fix was to enable my internet connection on my device. Apparently Google Charts need to be loaded from the Google server as mentioned by this question