I am having an issue on the iPad only (desktop browsers fine) where if I have $scope.data = “9578867/77”
, and bind this to a view like so; <h3>{{data}}</h3>
, for some reason angular / ionic appears to re-render display of the value after a second or two from the correct display of “9578867/77”
to something like “/779578867”
, where the “9578867”
right-part of the re-rendered display of that string is formatted into a link. Also notice the movement of /77
to the left of the re-rendered display.
I just want the output to display as-is that of the string value with no manipulation at all.
This behaviour seems to be happening when a slash and further digits is appended to a string with digits already prefixed.
I do not know what is causing this behaviour on the iPad only, whether it be AngularJS or Ionic. Have anyone had any similar problems? How would I overcome this issue? I am using Ionic v1.0.0-beta.13
Further to add, I’ve noticed an anchor element is automatically inserted inside the <h3>
tag with a input type of tel
whenever I add slash digit digit, or even just pure digits for a string. Full sample html snippet after auto re-rendered H3 display is given below:
<h3><a href=“tel:9578867” x-apple-data-detectors=“true” x-apple-data-detectors-type=“telephone” x-apple-data-detectors-result=“0”>9578867</a>/77</h3>
Seems like Angular, or Ionic or, iPad’s web view is trying to be too clever? How would I stop this behaviour?