Angular animation works in browser but not in device

Angular animation works on browser as expected but does not work comletely on device.

here’s the code:

	selector: 'page-samplelist',
	templateUrl: 'samplelist.html',
	animations: [
		trigger('itemState', [
			state('inactive', style({
				backgroundColor: '#eee',
				transform: 'scale(1) rotate(0deg)'
			state('active',   style({
				backgroundColor: '#cfd8dc',
				transform: 'scale(1.1) rotate(360deg)'
			transition('inactive => active', animate('200ms ease-in')),
			transition('active => inactive', animate('200ms ease-out'))
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {
		this.my_list = [
				title: "This is title of item 1",
				desc: "This is description of 1",
				state: "inactive",
				toggleState: function() {
					if(this.state == "inactive")
						this.state = "active";
						this.state = "inactive";
				title: "This is title of item 2",
				desc: "This is description of 2",
				state: "inactive",
				toggleState: function() {
					if(this.state == "inactive")
						this.state = "active";
						this.state = "inactive";


	<ion-item *ngFor="let item of my_list" [@itemState]="item.state" (click)="item.toggleState()" >

in browser color changes and transfroms.
in device, only color changes but does not transform.

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Well that was because my Android device version is 4.4.2 (KitKat)
and KitKat’s default browser does not support CSS3.
So it works on newer versions of android devices.



I’m working on this now too.

It looks like it needs a little different configuration than Angular 4 app.

Mine is completely not working on browser either… it shows me white screen whenever i put that [@trigger]="animationname" on html