Android: Error occurred while copying

Hi all! I am getting an error running cordova-res android --skip-config --copy
Splash images are generated properly, but icon is not. I am getting this warnings:

WARN:   Error occurred while copying resources/android/icon/mdpi-foreground.png
WARN:   Error occurred while copying resources/android/icon/hdpi-foreground.png
WARN:   Error occurred while copying resources/android/icon/xhdpi-foreground.png
WARN:   Error occurred while copying resources/android/icon/xxhdpi-foreground.png
WARN:   Error occurred while copying resources/android/icon/xxxhdpi-foreground.png

Hello i dont know if you found the solution,i could not create the foreground image with this cordova res. But the android studio make this file easy

go to this page

and follow the instructions

Para iniciar Image Asset Studio, sigue estos pasos:

  1. En la ventana Project , selecciona la vista Android.
  2. Haz clic con el botón derecho en la carpeta res y selecciona New > Image Asset .

Here is the instruction from the android developers page

I’ve made a video on how to do it, I cant find any other solution so far to this issue