Android 4.1.2 scrolling issues on long html in ion-slide-box

In an ion-slide-box I have ion-content so that I can scroll it vertically and horizontally. Here is the pen:

Scrolling in both directions works as expected in a desktop browser, on a tablet with Android 4.4.2, but not on a smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S II) with Android 4.1.2. The issue happens only when there is a lot of html contents (like in the codepen)! Any ideas why and how can I fix it?

Hi, u can try firstly to update your project to a newer version from Ionic.
You use the Beta-10. Try it with the Beta-13. If nothing change we can looker again.

Sorry for my Bad English :S

sorry, I actually tested with the beta13 version on Android. Updated also the codepen version.

i hate this codepen :S can send me ur project, for better testing? Codepen make many issues on my phone.

But what i can say is, that the slide-box width are incorrect. They set the width to 980px width :S

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yeah, I understand!


Please use this app:

I made a clean application for testing only the scrolling and updated the link above. Verticall or horizontal scolling works only in about 5% of the cases, which makes it impossible to use on Galaxy S2 with Android 4.1.2. Am I doing something wrong?

overflow-scroll=true on ion-content does not fix it.

it turned out that this is a general problem with scrolling ion-content. I opened an issue:

Did you manage to solve this issue?? if yes please share it with me. I am also running into the same issue.