Always White Screen

A different device maybe?
Build using Ionic Package and try that build.

tried some android devices and found one where the app works…so the problem is the android version… :pensive:
Thanks for your patience and help


Just noticed we should have tried emulating sooner.

What are the different Android versions?

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Android 4.2 and 4.2.2: white screen
Android 4.4.4: works

I think the answer is no but…there is some way to know the lower working version without testing on emulators or devices?

Anything below 4.4 requires Crosswalk, and IMHO is better left unsupported as Crosswalk is both EOLed and will bloat your app binary significantly.

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I tried that too and always white screen in the first devices…anyway I don’t think was a good way for me with so big apk

A post was split to a new topic: I run the app emulator(and real device) android 4.3 white screen