Ionic Blank Screen not SplashScreen

My own Real Android phone running everything fine. But some device include the Emulator with API 22 got white screen when the tabs change index but the initial tab page can show everything it should show!
the problem only happen when package app with --prod
The one that seems kind of like error is:

Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: "file:///android_asset/www/build/2.js".vendor.js:1 e.emain.js:1 nvendor.js:1 ivendor.js:1 t.loadvendor.js:1 t.loadvendor.js:1 t.getNavLinkComponentvendor.js:1 t.getComponentFromNamevendor.js:1 rvendor.js:1 ivendor.js:1 e.ivendor.js:1 e._loadLazyLoadingvendor.js:1 (anonymous function)polyfills.js:3 t.invokevendor.js:1 t._inner.t._inner.fork.onInvokepolyfills.js:3 t.invokepolyfills.js:3 r.runpolyfills.js:3 (anonymous function)polyfills.js:3 t.invokeTaskvendor.js:1 t._inner.t._inner.fork.onInvokeTaskpolyfills.js:3 t.invokeTaskpolyfills.js:3 r.runTaskpolyfills.js:3 opolyfills.js:3 e.invokeTaskpolyfills.js:2 ppolyfills.js:2 v
 Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: "file:///android_asset/www/build/8.js".vendor.js:1 e.emain.js:1 nvendor.js:1 ivendor.js:1 t.loadvendor.js:1 t.loadvendor.js:1 t.getNavLinkComponentvendor.js:1 t.getComponentFromNamevendor.js:1 rvendor.js:1 ivendor.js:1 e.ivendor.js:1 e._loadLazyLoadingvendor.js:1 (anonymous function)polyfills.js:3 t.invokevendor.js:1 t._inner.t._inner.fork.onInvokepolyfills.js:3 t.invokepolyfills.js:3 r.runpolyfills.js:3 (anonymous function)polyfills.js:3 t.invokeTaskvendor.js:1 t._inner.t._inner.fork.onInvokeTaskpolyfills.js:3 t.invokeTaskpolyfills.js:3 r.runTaskpolyfills.js:3 opolyfills.js:3 e.invokeTaskpolyfills.js:2 p

Did ya add content to the other tabs? What’s the error when switching to other tabs?

Actually It happen after any operation like click anywhere But the button click is working. And the tab changing is working as well

Did you remote debug the problem on the device already? Follow these instructions here to debug the problem in Chrome dev tools: Look at the console and network tabs for errors.

I think I found the problem

when I use --prod,it change my ion-app’s opacity automatically into .4 or something not >=1 ! So it’s kind like Ionic’s Bug
But still I can’t change the opacity

More probable that one of the 10 errors in the console tab are responsible :wink:

That 10 errors are above the emulator can’t access file. it’s irrelevant!
And as soon as I change the opacity:.4 to opacity:1 or remove the line it works

Well, then don’t tell us what 10 files it can’t load if you think this is not relevant. Good luck.

I’ve seen this happen a couple of times, and it’s always been a piece of my code that’s broken.

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My solution is change all opacity:.4; in folder node_modules into opacity: 4;

Ok… The Final Working solution is don’t use WebStorm !