I’ve been playing with the ionic-audio (v3) package. It plays audio fine, but the audio-track-progress-bar seems to take 40 seconds to show up, on longer tracts? There were several workarounds needed ( like noStrictGenericChecks": true ) I had to find to get it to transpile.
Any advice/links on how best to play audio (streaming and local) with playlist, which continues to next track and has a progress bar?
Thanks for the suggestions. So far, I’m going with HTML5 audio , and controlling it via the ion-buttons in the HTML and using .nativeElement in the Typescript file via @ViewChild(), to load and control the player. It works great (only tried iPhone so far), loads next song, progress bar, timestamps…etc; When you click the screen off (locked) it still plays, which is great! The only issue is when you click on the screen and see the iOS player on the locked screen, the album art is “iphone” and the Album is the URL of the mp3 I’m streaming. I still use the progress bar to move forward/back in the audio. I tried setting the thumbnail and album title with cordova-plugin-nowplaying, but no luck… so far.