Adding buttons to the year/month picker in ion-datetime

Is there a way to add confirm/cancel buttons to the month/year picker when using ion-datetime in calendar mode? What I mean is, if you have an ion-datetime as in the “Showing Confirmation Buttons” example in the docs, you get:

When you click on month/year in the upper left, you get:

To select a new month and/or year, you select them then click on the month/year again. Is there a way to add cancel/confirm buttons to the UI when in the second state? Our testers have been commenting that this isn’t intuitive and I’d like to handle this before it goes to our users.

The month/year in the upper left is a select element, not a modal, so buttons cannot be added to it. Maybe if you’re a css wizard, but even then it will be wasting time. Instruct the testers to click on the month/year text after making their selection.