Add view subheader to side menu navbar component

I’m trying to figure out how to add a subheader to the navbar on a few pages, without doing it for all. Something such as this…


<div ng-controller="NavMenu">
  <!-- Center content -->
  <pane side-menu-content id="nav-menu-pane">
    <nav-bar type="bar-positive"></nav-bar>

    <!-- subheader? -->
    <header ng-if="subTitle" class="bar bar-subheader">
      <h2 class="title">{{subTitle}}</h2>


  <!-- Left menu -->
  <side-menu side="left">

View Controller -
In my view controller i set $scope.navTitle and $scope.subTitle (if needed)

.controller('SomeViewController', ['$scope',
    function($scope) {
      $scope.navTitle = 'My Header';
      $scope.subTitle = 'My Subheader'; // may be undefined

View HTML-
In my view HTML i’m then able to store the title on the view which “magically” updates the <navbar> text. Question is, how do I do the same for the <header> sub title?

<view title="navTitle" hide-back-button="true">
  <content has-header="true" padding="true">

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I’m guessing that your side menu is not actually inside the scope of your controller. You probably have this effective HTML after the state change and view is rendered.

  <!-- Center content -->
  <pane side-menu-content id="nav-menu-pane">
    <nav-bar type="bar-positive"></nav-bar>

    <!-- subheader? -->
    <header ng-if="subTitle" class="bar bar-subheader">
      <h2 class="title">{{subTitle}}</h2>


      // Your state probably puts the view HERE with the "SomeController"
      <view title="navTitle" hide-back-button="true">
        <content has-header="true" padding="true">


  <!-- Left menu -->
  <side-menu side="left">

If that is the case, the $scope.subTitle is never bound to the HTML because it’s outside it’s outside the controller.

If so, you need two controllers. Maybe a “MainController” with a $scope.subTitle. Thanks to inheritance, “SomeController” can set the property $scope.subTitle and it will be updated in the subheader.

Try this. If it doesn’t work, put up a Codepen or JsBin demo:

<side-menus ng-controller="MainController">
  <!-- Center content -->
  <pane side-menu-content id="nav-menu-pane">
    <nav-bar type="bar-positive"></nav-bar>

    <!-- subheader? -->
    <header ng-if="subTitle" class="bar bar-subheader">
      <h2 class="title">{{subTitle}}</h2>


  <!-- Left menu -->
  <side-menu side="left">

I updated my original example…as i do have a controller div around my side menu. i initialize $scope.subTitle in NavMenu controller and update it via $scope.subTitle in my child controller, but still doesn’t work


I apologize. I misunderstood something.

here is a working example. You don’t need that whole ng-if at all. Don’t define the subheader in the main view. Just do it in each individual view.

the plunk doesn’t work for me.

Try now. It was because I stupidly linked to the Ionic nightlies instead of a specific version.

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easy enough. thanks a lot!

Is the sample link still working? Not to me.