[2.0.0-beta8] Screen goes down when keyboard hide

Hi, I have an issue here.

Take a look!

I’m using a IonToolbar position=“bottom” outside the IonContent.

Anyone could help me?


Try adding this to your app.ts file.

import {Platform, Keyboard} from 'ionic-native';

    platform.ready().then(() => {


Hi @mhartington !

I did this, but doing this changes the expected behaviour, the keyboard shows in front of the input-text and the user cannot see what he is typing.

I created a new project without any fancy and have the same problem:

<ion-navbar *navbar>
    Ionic Beta 8

<ion-content padding class="page1">
  <h2>Keyboard problem</h2>
  <div padding *ngFor="let message of messages">{{message.text}}</div>

<ion-toolbar position="bottom">
  <input #f type="text">
  <button small (click)="addMessage(f)">Send</button>

I made a plunker and you can test on a device or in the emulator to see the problem happen.


If you can help me I really appreciate that.
