Issue on ionic build windows

Hello everybody.

I am trying to build for windows, using the ionic build windows, But I am getting two types of erros on build. First is that it complains about a missing LICENSE.ts file on every lib folder that I added on my app:

VSTSC : error TS6053: Build: File '(lib-locatition)/angular-local-storage/LICENSE.ts' not found. [C:\Users\bonet\Work\Tuneduc\minhanota-mobile\platforms\windows\CordovaApp.Windows.jsproj]

Second is that apparently it doesn’t accept Javascript, only TypeScript:

VSTSC : error TS6054: Build: File '(project-location)/platforms/windows/www/modules/answers/controllers.js' has unsupported extension. The only supported extensions are '.ts', '.tsx', '.d.ts'. [(project-location)\platforms\windows\CordovaApp.Windows10.jsproj

The last one happens for every file on the project

ionic version 1.6.5
cordova version 5.3.3

Has anyone gone through it? Thanks!


Same problem!

Windows 10
Visual Studio 2015

ionic v1.2.4
cordova v6.0.0

Same here!

Windows 10
Visual Studio 2015

Ionic v1.7.14
Cordova v6.0.0