Host the "ionic serve --lab" view on a website

I’ve been trying to get this same kind of functionality and I’ve got it up running as labs.html and I see 2 iframes and each showing the app, but they are both iOS… the path


doesn’t seem to do anything different from ?ionicplatform=ios.

If I look at the actual app index.html and change the device in Google Chrome DevTools to an android device, it shows the android layout. Change to an iPhone and it shows the iPhone layout.

Any ideas how I can get the iOS iframe to show the iOS layout and the Android iframe to show the Android layout?

In case it might help other people looking for a solution, here’s how I got to this point:

  1. I’ve just copied the contents of my ionic-app-name/www/ into a
    separate folder
  2. added a labs.html file with the contents from
    looking at the source of the actual ionic serve --lab page
  3. altered the angular.min.js link to point to lib/angular/angular.min.js
  4. run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 to serve the web pages
  5. browsed to http://localhost:8000/labs.html

Once I get this working, I plan on copying the whole folder to my web server and pointing to serve labs.html.