Xcode build button disabled after code 'ionic prepare ios'

Hello I am new to Ionic but I am enjoying Ionic.

I have a build problem in iOS with xcode.

What I have done

When I just created a project

$ ionic start myApp sidemenu

and open the ‘myApp.xcodeproj’ in xcode

and then press the build button.

It works really really well. I could see through my iPhone just default Ionic app.

Problem start

Now I want to change the code.

After I changed the code I type in terminal

ionic prepare ios

It dose not work.

After I struggled I upgrade nodeJS ( v0.12.7 -> v5.1.0 )


ionic prepare ios

It seems work.

I open again ‘myApp.xcodeproj’ in xcode

Now the build button is disabled.

How can I make build button available?


I tried to do same thing with just cordova. ( without Ionic )

  1. create a new project with cordova
  2. edit code
  3. cordova prepare ios
  4. open xcodeproj file in xcode
  5. build working

In Ionic’s case, it does not work 5.

Below is info of my environment

OS : OS X yosemite 10.10.1
Ionic -v: 1.7.8
Cordova -v : 5.3.3
Xcode -v : 6.1.1
NodeJS -v: 5.1.0

Any comment would be helpful.

Thank you.