Windows 7 vs Windows 10?

I am formatting my computer, I am struggling to decide on which windows to install.
Windows 10 does not ask the user whether to install updates or not.Let me know your views on which to choose a version of the window.

Go with Windows 10.Windows 7 is old and in future its difficult to have all compatible softwares for windows 7 version.

If I understand you correctly, first install the VirtualBox virtual machine on your PC and add the installation disk to install Cloudera.

Then run the downloaded installation program and follow the suggested steps one by one. When you go through the installation process, you will need to specify the option to install to the virtual machine. Once the installation is complete, you will be able to see the CDH home page, where you can configure the cluster and run the various Hadoop applications. If that’s not what you need, you can specify more details like on reddit buy windows. I’m sure many people don’t fully understand what you mean.