Why should the console plugin be removed for a release build of the app?

From here: http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/publishing.html

Before we deploy, we should take care to adjust plugins needed
during development that should not be in production mode. For example,
we probably don’t want the debug console plugin enabled, so we should
remove it before generating the release builds:

$ cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console

Why should the console plugin be removed for a release build of the app?

Is it possibly because console.log has some (slight) performance implications? Or because it may leak sensitive information out to the user?

  • Ok, performance makes sense.
  • The leaking of information… well the information is still in the JS files or transmitted over the network. (Although data transmitted over HTTPS and then output using the console would be a valid reason - then the “attacker” at least would have to change the code first to get it…)

Sounds like the reason is more “because you don’t need it on production”…

do we need to add again cordova-plugin-console after release for testing our app or it will we added automatically in ionic serve ?