* What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'. > You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components: [Android SDK Platform 24]



I stay doing this project and when I run ionic run android (with connected device) I had this issue (http://tableless.com.br/criando-uma-aplicacao-movel-com-ionic-2-e-angular-2-em-dez-passos/)

I already tried to do several things inside and outside the android sutdio ide and I don’t have success.
"I installed android sdk build-tools 24(it’s current version 24.0.3) through SDK manager. Path to open SDK manager is shown in img file attached. This solved my problem SDK Manager"

Can anyone help me

open your sdk manager and install android 6.0 and api 24

or you can build you app using “ionic run android@5.1.1”

Don’t solve

try run “ionic platform ls” to see what is your android version…and do you run “ionic platform add android”?
if you already done check your android version in “ionic platform ls” then you can use “ionic run android@{the version}”

I try ionic run android@6.0.0

please run “ionic platform ls” and show me the result

Can you help more please

The screen does not charge the phone the same way it loads the device

I need

help with debugs ionic commands

this solved it for me. Copy this into your terminal on mac
android update sdk --no-ui --filter build-tools-24.0.0,android-24,extra-android-m2repository

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