Today, I updated my Ionic CLI to v1.3.2. I’m try to use the starter project “tabs” test crosswalk, but there are new question.
When I build android platform, and run it on my phone, the UI looks like android style, not same in browser.
Just so you know, the Ionic CLI doesn’t affect the styling, it’s the build version of Ionic you are using (which is Ionic 1.0.0-beta.14).
I don’t know of a way to mass style the entire platform (maybe some hack way of assigning “ios” to $ionicPlatform.platform when it is android?), but you can use $ionicConfigProvider to override specific styles. Look at the, tabs.position and navbar. alignTitle.
Thank you for reply, I got answer, cause Ionic added some css styles support for android, on my android emulator, document.body.className = "platform-android platform-cordova platform-webview grade-b platform-android4 platform-android4_3 platform ready".
But, I don’t like to override, if the hacks is more and more, my work is hard.
I’m only want to set something, then use ios rules, $ionicPlatform.platform = "ios" is not work.