What is the best way to update Ionic2 project to latest version


After creating ionic project, what is the best way to update it to latest one, for example if the current one is 2.0.0.rc1, should I manually change it to 2.0.0.rc3 in package.json and use npm install command? Then what about other dependencies?

Update the versions in package.json then run npm install again.

You can run npm outdated to see what dependencies have newer versions available.

However Ionic requires specific versions of Angular so you don’t want to use the latest versions there. Run npm view ionic-angular peerDependencies to see which versions of the Angular packages it needs.

Thanks for answer, right now based on your command it shows ionic currently is working with angular 2.1.1, I have updated angular to version 2.2.4 and since now I didn’t have any issue with angular (as far as I worked), so does it mean I should downgrade angular to 2.1.1 to be sure that it’s 100% compatible?


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should i upgrade anything to the new version or just stand at the moment. like the native looks like 2.2.7 but i still 2.2.3 when i created a new project…