I have a list of 3 radio-group list and when I click on one of them, there is a ion-segment that shows up like this one:
Then, I save the data and when I come back, I retrieve my data to be able to activate the “Position” radio-button and the “A-Z” from my ion-segment. The radio button is selected, but not the ion-segment. This is the first problem even if I know the data is saved properly.
Then, if I click in the ion-segment, it is now a really light blue instead of the blue just above:
It looks like the blue when you hover the ion-segment.
Anyone already seen that before?
What is the code used to create this ion-segment?
Here is the HTML:
<ion-list radio-group [(ngModel)]="orderBy.orderBy">
<!-- Order by Position -->
<ion-radio value="position"></ion-radio>
<ion-item *ngIf="orderBy.orderBy === 'position'">
<!--<ion-item [hidden]="orderBy.orderBy !== 'position'">-->
<div padding>
<ion-segment [(ngModel)]="orderBy.positionOrder">
<ion-segment-button value="asc">A - Z</ion-segment-button>
<ion-segment-button value="desc">Z - A</ion-segment-button>
Here is the TS
public orderBy: OrderByClass;
constructor(private _navParams: NavParams,
private _storage: Storage,
public translate: TranslateService,
private _viewCtrl: ViewController) {
this.orderBy = JSON.parse(_navParams.get('orderBy'));
For now, just forget it. I reboot my computer and now it seems to work fine. Will see how long…
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