When i use following code that time link is opening in device’s browser
but I don’t want like that
window.open($scope.url, ‘_blank’, ‘location=yes’);
I want o/p like webview means I want link will be open in page of my app
When i use following code that time link is opening in device’s browser
but I don’t want like that
window.open($scope.url, ‘_blank’, ‘location=yes’);
I want o/p like webview means I want link will be open in page of my app
Hi @shivani8710
you should use extra params to hide toolbar,url panel so it should look like its open in popup type view.
for that you see this example
var opts = {toolbar: 'no',location: 'no',useWideViewPort: 'no',enableViewportScale: 'yes'};
window.open($scope.url, '_blank', opts);
this will open url in inappbrowser but will not look like browser.
It is not working…Missing something…but what i don’t know
have you tried built app and checked this in android device.
It is as it is…nothing changed in it
Don’t you actually have to install the inappbrowser plugin for that to work?
(inappbrowser “hijacks” window.open
when it is installed)
I added plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
after that I apply this code
var opts = { toolbar: ‘no’, location: ‘no’, useWideViewPort: ‘no’, enableViewportScale: ‘yes’ };
window.open($scope.url, ‘_self’, opts);
but it is open in browser and I dont’t want it
I solved it
This is solution :
$scope.myLink = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl($scope.url);