Webstorm not loading ionic 4 tag library


Doesn’t seem to be any ionic 4 category yet, am I in the right place ?
I am starting an ionic 4 project but webstorm seems to be unable to get the tags definition from the node_module folder, which results in “unknown HTLM tags” everywhere and no aauto-completion.

indeed, I can see from a previous ionic 3 project that ionic tags definitions are in the ionic-angular folder, that folder has disappeared from CLI generation of a blank project in ionic 4.
Any clue on how I can tell Webstorm were the definitions are now ?


You are right, since Ionic v4-beta.12 the Ionic tag aren’t recognized by Webstorm anymore. Reason behind is that the package.json of Ionic doesn’t include a main tag anymore but a module one

I have reported the issue to Webstorm, plz track and upvote https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-35031

In the meantime, I didn’t try, but if you wish, you could go into node_modules and mark the Ionic folder as not excluded, but I’ve to say I’m not a fan of that workaround


Thanks for your answer.
Upvoted the issue and praying :pray: