Webpage not available https://localhost:8100


Hi guys does anyone else get this? It happens far too often now and getting on my nerves now.

This is my start script

@echo off
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-17.0.2
adb reverse tcp:8100 tcp:8100
adb reverse tcp:8101 tcp:8101
ionic cap run android -l

cmd /k debug

Hello, don’t worry and stay calm :slight_smile:. We would need more information, I think. Particularly ionic information, capacitor info.
At first sight I would say that it looks like an emulator, and either there is no internet, or you are not on the same network.
There is a topic on this forum that resembles your problem. Maybe he can help you : Willing to pay: err_connection_refused android