[Warning] Native: deviceready did not fire within 2000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them. (app.bundle.js, line 63826)

I followed all these tips, and nothing solved.

I removed the splash plugin and statusbar and nothing.
I removed the facebook plugin, and nothing too.

I removed and added back the android platforms and ios and nothing solved. = /

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Try to re-install all plugins as ionic recommended by using :
ionic cordova prepare
Make sure you have all your plugins in package.json.
Good luck!

Would you be so kind to illuminate us and give us a link where we can read the correct docs?
Been searching and googling for each and every doc about ionic and only found deprecated options and commands and contradictions on every information available.

Concerning native plug-ins the lack of documentation is even worse, outdated or, directly, incorrect.

From Ionic pro docs: https://ionicframework.com/docs/pro/view.html#plugin-support

If you are using a plugin from our supported list, and you are still encountering issues
using that plugin, please make sure that you are utilizing the platform.ready() 
call before calling any native functionality. You can learn more about platform.ready() in our .

And no, I didnā€™t forget to select the rest of the text after ā€œin our.ā€ simply thereā€™s nothing more there.

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In my case i just forgot this : " IonicStorageModule.forRoot() " in the app.module.ts

I am getting this problem. For a dev built its like almost 20 seconds, but even for my release build it seems like its 12-15 seconds. My only hope is getting the dev built faster will help the release built faster.

Ionic Native: deviceready did not fire within 5000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.

I did a remove of android and added it back, but no change.

Do you guys remove the whitelist plugin?

For some reason its installing cordova-android 6.2.3 seems like we have new versions out there?

Some reason when I run add platform android I get version ~6.2.3

On Stackoverflow it said this

As mentioned in a comment of the other answer, in new version of the CLI you should delete the plugins and platforms folders manually. Then run :

ionic cordova prepare

I ran that but I started to get messages that some of my plugings were not compatible with android 6.2.3 and needed android 6.3.0. So I installed that.

Started to get this problem.

Not sure which android version I should be one? I have Ionic 3.19.1

Can you list all the plugins you are using?
Also are you using Lazy loading for modules?
If not then it is worth to give it a try, i had the same issue(see solution below).

Hi, i was working with this problem for 3 days and realise that the platform.ready().then is not really true, at least not always. Ionic says that plugins are available when that promise resolve but thatā€™s not true, because I was using the Native Storage plugin an it throw an error plugin_not_installed when trying to use it after the ready event. Is not an elegant solution, indeed in not a solution at all. What I did is to use a setTimeout giving time for the plugins are really available, a timeout of 2 seconds (2000 ms) was enough.

platform.ready().then(() => {
      // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
      // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.

     // In theory here we can use the plugins 


I was finally able to fix this with the ionic repair command. I use Cordova, so I needed to say (but omit the --cordova if you donā€™t use it):

ionic repair --cordova


for me i make a mistake with config.xml file.I follow instruction for Wkwebview at https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview and it give me error plugin when run on device but working on web.I donā€™t know if i do it wrong way.

<allow-navigation href="http://app/*" />

just remove this line and try run ionic cordova build android --prod