Views don't update after reload ($templateCache issue?)

Hey All,

I recently purchased an ionic template off of themeforest, and while I have it up and running, I can’t get any of the views to update after I make changes. However, if I update the code in the templates.js (snippet below), it reloads the changes. Is there a way to either invalidate this cache or remote it altogether?

angular.module(“templates”, ).run([“$templateCache”, function ($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put(“walkthrough.html”,“<ion-view class="walkthrough-view">\n <ion-content scroll="false">\n <div class="top-content row">\n <div class="col col-center">\n <img ng-src="img/logo.png">\n \n \n <div class="bottom-content row">\n <div class="col col-center">\n <button class="login button button-block button-stable" ng-click="goToLogIn()">\n Log In\n \n <button class="sign-up button button-block button-stable" ng-click="goToSignUp()">\n Sign Up\n \n \n \n \n\n”);

I was able to fix this by updating the templateUrl in my stateProvider.


.state(‘walkthrough’, {
url: “/”,
templateUrl: “walkthrough.html”,
controller: ‘WalkthroughCtrl’

That templateUrl would match what was in the templates.js file, so it would be served. By switching it to:

.state(‘walkthrough’, {
url: “/”,
templateUrl: “templates/walkthrough.html”,
controller: ‘WalkthroughCtrl’

It now gets pulled off the file system instead of the cache. Hope this helps someone else who bought an ionic design!