Using the Camera.pickImages is crashing on iOS if I choose more than approx 20 images

Using Capacitor 5.7.2 with Camera plugin 5.0.9.

It mostly works great, right up until I choose more than 20-30 photos, depending on the phone. It then crashes my app, I assume because it’s out of memory.

Permissions are fine as it DOES work most of the time and I’ve double checked them. They are all there. It shows the image gallery, allows me to pick the images and click Add to select them.

Here is the relevant code.

const options: GalleryImageOptions = {	
    correctOrientation: true,			
    presentationStyle: "fullscreen"

const galleryPhotos: GalleryPhotos = await Camera.pickImages(options);

Any ideas on what I can do here or if I’m doing anything wrong?