
Hi guys, this topic is about user-acquisition’s platform we can use in order to track app installs and post-installs events.

I worked on this months ago, I first wanted to integrate Google Analytics tools in order to do that for being consistant with web and app tracking solutions we already have built in but the id for advertiser was a big mess to retrieve in both IOS and Android.

I also tried to create a plugin by my own with a specific branch of ng-cordova plugin for analytics (ngcordova analytics plugin) that be told to retrive IDFA for IOS and Advertiser ID for Android but never succeed to make it work well for both platform.

So I used Tune MobileAppTracking (Tune) which have a pretty nice integration for phone gap that is much easy to use for retrieving IDFA and AID but with Tune we’re not able to track users that come from Facebook campaign which is very not handy for advertising mobile apps.

I also create this topic for helping those who wanted to integrate Tune MAT plugins in there own apps so fell free to ask any question about that.

May the Ionic force be with you guys,

Hi @sweetwingz could you please share steps to integrate MAT TUNE plugin as the one here does not seems to be working.

Also let me know if any changes need to be done in Android Mainfest file. Thanks