Use non native plugins on Ionic

Hi !

I want use tesseract plugin but it’s a non native plugin. How can I call him in my file ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Looks like tesseract available on NPM. I’ve done something similar with fixOrientation npm plugin.

Add your plugin via npm.

Implement like the following…

When I import him, I have an error because the plugin cannot be find…

That was not difficult…

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Have you looked at my repo?

Yes but It’s not my solution because I want to implement this link : But you did the job with the library and not with the plugin :frowning:

Aha didn’t realise there’s was a Cordova version lol.

Might have a stab later

Thank man :slight_smile:


Is this primarily for iOS or Android?

Hi sorry for my late.

It’s for android :slight_smile:

Hi, i try to integrat this tesseract.js lib. I cloned ur example of hw to and it works just fine . But it wont find that lib in my Programm i think i covered all of ur steps but proably im missing something very speific. Is there any news on hw u can use the plguin version of tesseract? My Question for the integration would be except "import Tesseract from ‘tesseract.js’ " what else do i need to do? Im very new to inoic and angular and i need this for a university Project. Thx so much already

solved Problem was a fail of my head :smiley: