Upgrade app to beta.9


Is there any guide where I can read what I must do to upgrade my app if there is a new beta version? I think I saw something like this some weeks ago, but now I didnt find anything.

I also didn’t find any from the blog and on the release notes, figured there was no breaking changes listed so what I did was just modified ionic-angular entry on my package.json from 2.0.0-beta.8 to 2.0.0-beta.9 and ran npm install.

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Or look at the ionic2-app-base/package.json on github:

Instructions for code upgrades are in the CHANGELOG.

Nope. No instructions for beta 9

Just follow what matheo says, the changes are in beta@8 , beta@9 just add what you wrote in the json file
“ionic-angular”: “2.0.0-beta.9”,