So i’ve got this piece of code to update the date and time a person leaves in localstorage
$scope.visitorOut = function(id){
var allVisitors = JSON.parse(localStorage["allVisitors"]);
var visitor;
for(var i=0; i<allVisitors.length; i++){
visitor = allVisitors[i];
if (allVisitors[i].id === {
visitor.dateout = new Date();
localStorage["allVisitors"] = JSON.stringify(allVisitors);
It updates the ‘dateout’ but for just the same item in localstorage and the console.log displays the same id each time…here’s my html:
<div class="list">
<a class="item item-icon-left item-icon-right" ng-repeat="visit in visits | orderBy: '-date'" ng-click="visitorOut(id); closesignout()" ng-hide="visit.hide">
<i class="icon ion-person"></i>
{{visit.fname}} {{visit.lname}}
<i class="icon ion-log-out" ng-click="hideMe(visit)"></i>
i want whener a person clicks on their name, it calls the visitorOut function and updates only their ‘dateout’