I have written a code to change width of ion-items inside an ion-list dynamically on orientation change
if(this.platform.width() < this.platform.height() && this.isLandscapeMode === true){
console.log("Portrait Mode");
this.isLandscapeMode =false;
console.log("Dynamic Width : "+this.dynamicWidth);
// this.navCtrl.setRoot(this.navCtrl.getActive().component);
}else if(isLands){
console.log("Landscape Mode");
this.isLandscapeMode =true;
console.log("Dynamic Width : "+this.dynamicWidth);
// location.reload();
// this.navCtrl.setRoot(this.navCtrl.getActive().component);
ion-item id="itemFormat" [style.width]=dynamicWidth tappable *ngFor="let item of filteredList" (click)="nodeClick(item)"
"dynamicWidth" being the variable updated in the .ts file whenever the orientation change is detected
Also tried using isLandscape , is Portrait
I dont want to explicitely goand load the page, Using ngStyle should do it autoatically , but its not happening.