Unpacking a zip-file on a device

Please tell me a working option for unpacking a zip-file on a device for capacitor version 5.

capacitor-zip - not working, error: Namespace not specified. Specify a namespace in the module’s build file.

let data = await Filesystem.readFile({
  path: 'mapData/map1.zip',
  directory: Directory.Documents
  encoding: Encoding.UTF8,
let zipContent = await JSZip.loadAsync(data.data);

Error: End of data reached (data length = 1383041, asked index = 1383042). Corrupted zip ?

Thanks in advance.

I’ve just published a Capacitor Zip plugin to zip and unzip files. Feel free to check it out: Capacitor Zip Plugin - Capawesome

Let me know if you miss any features. :raised_hands: