Unable to broadcast audio using peerJS on android ionic app (audio mode broadcast intent fail java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: not allowed to send broadcast com.sonymobile.media.AUDIO_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION)

I’ve implemented a broadcast list audio streaming in a ionic app, using peerJS. Everything work fine on browser, but when i run my app on an android device, i’m unable to share stream between peers.

I get the following error in the logcat:

audio mode broadcast intent fail java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: not allowed to send broadcast com.sonymobile.media.AUDIO_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION from pid=19195, uid=10369

I’ve done a lot of searches, but i didn’t find how to grant that permission to broadcast.

Please, does anyone have a fix to propose me ?

you sure you searched? Here are just the top 3 from plenty of others:

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Thank you for the ressources :pray:, but I’ve seen some of these proposaks when i searched . But the problem is that, it seems they are targeting Java implementations, while I’m using angular to develop it. Yeah, i can make required changes in the manifest, but solutions i found implied before simple manifest file edition, some modifications in the Java implementation. That’s why theses solutions on stzckoverflow didn’t help me to fux the issue :pray: