Two slides on one range?

Is there a way to have two slides on one range slider, so if I have a slider for Price Range I can have Min & Max on the same one rather than doing two separate slider?

Here’s an example - the noUiSlider does what I’m wanting:

Right now it’s not possible. We have a list of our components that need some work after we reach 1.0 and the slider is definitely one of them.

There are some other angular sliders out that that are able to do two inputs…

I’ll add this to our list of extra features for the slider.

Thanks for the update. I initially didn’t notice that this was just a styled html5 range, so the single-slider makes sense. And thanks for the heads up on angular slider - I looked at a lot of options but avoided them all because they required jquery. This is the first one I’ve seen that doesn’t require it.